The continued desire to remove unwanted hair on the face and body for both men and women, make it no surprise that Laser hair removal is the #1 most commonly sought after aesthetic device procedure in the world!

Introducing the TRITON – Customized, fast, effective and comfortable!

What is it and how does it work?

Laser hair removal devices use a concentrated beam of light (laser) to remove unwanted hair.  The laser emits a gentle beam of light energy which is transformed to heat and absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair, which ultimately destroys the hair follicle, while leaving the skin unharmed.  Common treatment areas include legs, armpits, upper lip, chin and the bikini line.  

Why the TRITON? 

The TRITON is the first and only FDA approved device that has simultaneous firing of multi-wavelength hair removal capabilities making it one of the most effective laser hair removal system on the market.  TRITON combines the three most popular wavelengths on one platform, allowing us to effectively address all skin types and tones. Lasers have historically fell short of addressing multiple skin types, in particular darker skin tones for effective and safe hair removal, requiring reduced peak power or speed to compensate for darker skin types.  With the unique combination of three different laser wavelengths in multiple outputs allows for truly a customized approach to each client’s skin type for optimal results.  The TRITON delivers targeted treatment:


Whatever, your hair concern or skin type, from the very light to the darkest skin tone – we have you covered!


Your TRITON Treatment – What to expect

One of the most important part of this treatment will be a detailed consultation to ensure we identify your correct skin type to apply the correct wavelength required for your skin type to optimize your hair removal results.  Your skin will be appropriately prepped in the targeted areas before the laser treatment including the application of gel for easy gliding.   You will be provided with protective eyewear during your treatment.  Your service provider will press a hand-held laser device to your skin and treat the required areas.  You can expect to feel mild/moderate discomfort.  The hair removal process with take approximately between 15-60 minutes depending on the treatment area.  Treating a small area, such as the upper lip, might take only a few minutes. Treating a larger area, such as the back, might take more than an hour.

Maximize your results

Hair growth naturally occurs in a cycle consisting of 3 different growth stages.  As the laser can only target hair follicles in the new-growth stage, a series of laser treatments are required for effective hair removal.

It is recommended to have multiple sessions in order to see visible results.  Please ask us about our bundled package offers.

Post Treatment

 You might notice some redness and swelling for the first few hours after laser hair removal.  Avoid excessive sweating, exercise, hot showers, baths or saunas including sun exposure/tanning beds for a minimum of 48 hours post treatment.  Do not use any other form of hair removal (waxing, plucking, electrolysis, etc.,) except shaving in between your treatments.

To prepare for your session: