Enjoy a non-surgical, yet effective way to resurface your skin and reveal a more youthful glowing complexion!

What are Chemical Peels and How Do They Work?

Chemical peels are chemical agents used to exfoliate the skin’s surface, accelerating cell turnover to reveal newer and healthier skin, improving the appearance of blemishes, skin texture, radiance and restoring overall skin health.

Chemical peels come in many different forms, ranging in concentration from superficial to deeper penetrating peels.  The most common acids are alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs), and trichloroacetic acid (TCA). While AHAs are often used to treat signs of aging skin such as fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone and dullness, BHAs are often used to treat problematic skin concerns such as acne, large pores and uneven texture. TCA is a deeper chemical peel used to resolve advanced aging skin targeting more visible wrinkles and skin discoloration/ hyperpigmentation caused by sun damage and acne scars.  Chemical Peels work by accelerating our body’s natural cell renewal process (which slows down as we age) resulting in resurfacing of the top layer of the skin, destruction of damaged skin and production of new collagen.  

Once the solution is applied to the skin, the top layer of the skin can eventually peel off, revealing newer, smoother more youthful glowing skin.

Who Can Benefit From a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels can provide the following benefits:

  • Deep exfoliation removing old skin cells

  • New skin cell production

  • Improvement of hyperpigmentation/sun damage

  • Reduction of acne scars

  • Reduction of fine lines & wrinkles 

  • Improvement of the overall texture of the skin


If you are looking for a more advanced approach to rejuvenate your skin through skin resurfacing to address concerns such as acne, hyperpigmentation and mild to moderate wrinkles, than a peel may be your best solution.  

 Depending on the depth of the peel you choose, some down time may be required to allow for the skin ‘peeling’ process.  Keep this in mind when you book your chemical peel.


What Can I Expect During My Chemical Peel Treatment? 

 A qualified aesthetician will prepare your skin with a thorough cleanse prior to gently applying the peel solution on your skin.  The chemical peel will be targeted to your skin concern/goal.  Depending on your treatment you may also have some skincare applied including a soothing/hydrating mask post your peel application.  During the application of the peel it is normal to experience some redness, tingling and a burning sensation. 


Maximize Your Results

Your post peel care is essential to maximizing your treatment outcome. Post peel, avoid touching your face, or engaging in any strenuous activity/exercise that will increase body heat/sweating, or expose yourself to any heat, including dry saunas, jacuzzis, steam rooms, etc.  Do not ‘pick’ or attempt to peel the skin, this can result in skin scaring and damage.  Do not use any facial hair removal system, exfoliation, or use of skincare ‘actives’ such as retinol until 2 weeks post your peel.  Cleanse gently, moisturize your skin regularly in order to keep it hydrated during the healing process and protect your skin by wearing a broad spectrum sunscreen to avoid sun exposure as your skin will be temporarily more sensitive to the sun. It is recommended that you do a series of chemical peels every 4-6 weeks to allow you to reach your ultimate skin goal.